Willis News

Bringing an App to Market: Step by Step for Students in Software Development Courses

October 2, 2018

technology courses

When it comes to developing a new app, it can be difficult to know not only where to start, but also how to see your project through to a fully realized launch. There are many working components that influence the planning and execution of a functional app which both suits its target audience’s specific needs and demands and responds to them effectively.

Nearly 80% of Canadians aged 18 and older use a variety of digital products, from music and video streaming to e-books and mobile applications, and this ubiquity of digital media can complicate releasing a new app into a saturated market.

There are, however, certain steps developers can follow to guide app creators not only through the development process, but the product’s launch and reception as well. Read on for more information on how students in software development programs can make sure that their app is slated for success.

Build a Strong App Strategy with Technology Courses

Often, an app’s success begins with having a mobile strategy, in both senses of the word. Mobile applications need to be flexible enough to respond to software updates, and also have a fluid design which allows for responsive changes.

An app in development should have a strong foundation to build upon

An app in development should have a strong foundation to build upon

Before development can begin during your technology courses, however, it’s important to define your success metrics. What does your app’s success look like? Is it the amount of downloads, its rating, how much ad revenue it can produce? Design a framework to follow, and keep your goals in mind going forward.

Similarly, brevity is the soul of wit. Your app should address singular problems or demands, because any mobile app which tries to master many different areas will fail to stand out among any. An app which focuses on ridesharing, for instance, shouldn’t also include dating profiles, flashlight features, and the word of the day. While you strategize, try to keep your app’s brand simple, single-minded, and focused.

Identify and Interact with Your Target Audience

Before your app is even in development, it’s important to establish its purpose as well as its audience. Ask yourself who the app is intended for, why this person will use it, and why it’s a better option than other similar apps in the market. The answers to these questions will inform not only how you develop the app, but how you plan to sell and market it to your audience.

Students in software development courses should be careful not to overlook this aspect of app development. Without a good marketing strategy, many apps can struggle when trying to reach new consumers, and market research is necessary to ensure that your app will reach the people it is intended for.

A marketing strategy does not have to be expensive to be successful

A marketing strategy does not have to be expensive to be successful

Thanks to a variety of online resources and tools, however, many developers don’t need a large budget or marketing team to get their app noticed in the right channels. For instance, you could expand your web presence through the social networks that are the most popular with your ideal consumers. You can also reach out to important influencers, bloggers, and reporters who can review or feature your app. By accumulating positive ratings, you can guarantee that your app will reach its appropriate audience, and potentially more consumers past that.

Optimize and Streamline Your App Pre-Launch

An app launch is the culmination of hard work and development, and these factors are a vital aspect of determining its level of success. Before the final launch, gather a team of beta testers for a soft launch that can help identify and fix any issues which may be unpredictable or overlooked. Thusly, you have a real-world environment to test your app and receive feedback, but without the risk of exposing it to a mainstream market.

Be sure to establish a feedback loop with your beta testers to ensure for easy communication channels which can notify you of bugs or issues. Additionally, have a system in place to analyze your app’s metrics and key performance indicators, and monitor feedback streams, reviews, and social media for customer satisfaction. An app may fail, even after a successful launch, because it fails to meet and respond to consumer demand.

Are you interested in learning how to build an app during your software development program?

Contact Willis College for more information!

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