Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators for Private Career Colleges

KPIs show how graduates have fared after graduating from PCC vocational programs. They help future students make more informed decisions about their postsecondary education and help institutions identify areas of strength and weakness and opportunities for improvement.

This report provides key performance indicator (KPI) results for 2013 private career college (PCC) students who graduated or who were scheduled to graduate in 2013 from a registered PCC approved to receive students assisted by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

Published 2018 KPIs include OSAP default rate, graduation rate, graduate employment rate, and graduate employment rate in the field of study.

Results are provided as averages for the PCC sector as well as by program type, program category, and individual programs at each school. The report does not provide data for all institutions, but only for those approved for OSAP as of January 1, 2018.

The report is a summary of results from the ministry’s pilot year for calculating and publishing PCC KPIs and does not represent the entire sector. PCC to PCC comparisons (rankings) could produce misleading results because of PCC size, local employment conditions, program mix, and graduate demographics. The data from each PCC should be considered on its own.

The ministry is using lessons learned from this first KPI collection cycle to strengthen the KPI reporting methodology. KPI data will help the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges and the sector establish measurable benchmarks for vocational programs provided in the PCC sector.

The Willis College Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report indicates the results for students who received assistance from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). The key performance indicators include:

  • OSAP Default rate
  • Graduation rate
  • Graduate employment rate
  • Graduate employment rate in the field of study

Archived KPI Results

Below, you will find our archived KPI results. Download more information on the KPI reports from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. You may also visit the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities website to find out more about this collaborative venture between the colleges of Ontario and the Ministry.

2018 Key Performance Indicator Report

Key Performance Indicators for Private Career Colleges

KPIs show how graduates have fared after graduating from PCC vocational programs. They help future students make more informed decisions about their postsecondary education and help institutions identify areas of strength and weakness and opportunities for improvement.

This report provides key performance indicator (KPI) results for 2013 private career college (PCC) students who graduated or who were scheduled to graduate in 2013 from a registered PCC approved to receive students assisted by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

Published 2018 KPIs include OSAP default rate, graduation rate, graduate employment rate, and graduate employment rate in the field of study.

Results are provided as averages for the PCC sector as well as by program type, program category, and individual programs at each school. The report does not provide data for all institutions, but only for those approved for OSAP as of January 1, 2018.

The report is a summary of results from the ministry’s pilot year for calculating and publishing PCC KPIs and does not represent the entire sector. PCC to PCC comparisons (rankings) could produce misleading results because of PCC size, local employment conditions, program mix, and graduate demographics. The data from each PCC should be considered on its own.

The ministry is using lessons learned from this first KPI collection cycle to strengthen the KPI reporting methodology. KPI data will help the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges and the sector establish measurable benchmarks for vocational programs provided in the PCC sector.

The Willis College Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report indicates the results for students who received assistance from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). The key performance indicators include:

  • OSAP Default rate
  • Graduation rate
  • Graduate employment rate
  • Graduate employment rate in the field of study

Archived KPI Results

Below, you will find our archived KPI results. Download more information on the KPI reports from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. You may also visit the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities website to find out more about this collaborative venture between the colleges of Ontario and the Ministry.

2018 Key Performance Indicator Report

What Our Graduates Are Saying

Online schooling was helpful in working around my schedule. It allowed me to gain the education I needed from the comfort of my own home. Despite online classes, you receive a quick response when help is needed.
Daphne Phillips
Addictions & Community Services Worker Program