Willis News

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson Congratulates Willis College Grads

August 23, 2013

Ottawa Mayor, Jim Watson, congratulates Grads class of 2012-2013.

Office of the Mayor
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
Tel.: (613) 580-2496
Fax.: (613) 580-2509

The Graduates of 2012-2013
Willis College
Ottawa Campus

Dear Graduates,

On behalf of Members of Ottawa City Council, I want to extend a very warm welcome to the graduates, their friends and families, along with the management, instructors and staff of Willis College, partaking in the 2012-2013 Graduation ceremony.

As Head of Council, I am delighted to acknowledge the numerous hours of study and hard efforts, which the students graduating today have invested throughout the school year to earn their diplomas in the fields of health, business and information technology.

As you know, Ottawa is an increasingly important knowledge economy that is supported by a highly skilled workforce and driven by the areas of specialization from which you are graduating today. The local economy offers career opportunities in public and private long-term health care facilities and hospitals, in addition to government health agencies and health research institutes. Business and information technology graduates will also find interesting career pursuits in both the private and public sectors, including the numerous IT start-up companies, high profile firms and a wide host of enterprises of all sizes.

I am confident that you will all find rewarding careers with opportunities for growth and new challenges. Allow me to offer my best wishes to all the graduates for a productive and successful career search.

In addition, may today’s graduation ceremony be filled with many happy memories of this very important celebration marking the graduates’ laudable academic achievements.

Jim Watson

What Our Graduates Are Saying

I chose this program because I have always wanted to work in an office setting and eventually get into the government. I would recommend anyone to Willis College any day.
Victoria Woolsey
Administrative Assistant Program