Willis News

Willis College Proudly Announces Promotion

May 23, 2013

Willis College Proudly Announces Promotion

Willis College would like to congratulate Bernard Doyle, proud resident of Arnprior on his promotion to Manager, Finance and Bookkeeping Services.
Bernard brings over a decade of experience in business development both abroad and in Canada.
Bernard has been instrumental in Willis College’s success and expansion since joining the Willis Family of Colleges.
Both the President & Vice President of Willis College are very proud and fortunate to have Bernard as part of their team.

Exert from Arnprior Chronicle-Guide EMC – Thursday, November 8, 2012


What Our Graduates Are Saying

I chose this program because I have always wanted to work in an office setting and eventually get into the government. I would recommend anyone to Willis College any day.
Victoria Woolsey
Administrative Assistant Program