Willis News

MP Cheryl Gallant congratulates Willis College in Arnprior

October 23, 2013

MP Cheryl Gallant congratulates Willis College in Arnprior

It is my honour to congratulate Ms. Rima Aristocrat, President and CEO, directors, instructors and students at the grand opening of the



OCTOBER 25, 2013

Student of Renfrew County and surrounding areas will be well served at warmly welcomed Willis College Campus – your determination and commitment to pursue this exciting venture has succeeded.

This facility will become the focal point for educational pursuits to people of the County of Renfrew and surrounding areas.

As you celebrate this special occasion, I extend to all my sincerest congratulations and wish many successful and rewarding years at the new Willis College Arnprior Campus.

                                                                                                            Cheryl Gallant

                                                                                             Member of Parliament

                                                                                                        October 25, 2013

What Our Graduates Are Saying

I chose this program because I have always wanted to work in an office setting and eventually get into the government. I would recommend anyone to Willis College any day.
Victoria Woolsey
Administrative Assistant Program