Meet Our NEW Online CyberSecurity Instructor Robert Sadick!
Robert Sadick is brand new to the Willis College team, taking the role of instructor for our NEW Online Cyber Academy! His classes will allow students to gain an education in CyberSecurity from the comfort of their own homes, joining an exciting and in-demand industry.
We sat down with Robert to chat about CyberSecurity, the new online academy, and the opportunities that it will bring our future and current students.
Q: Hi Robert! Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today. We know you’re busy preparing for the online CyberSecurity classes to kick off soon! Would you mind telling us a bit about yourself?
Robert Sadick: Sure! I have been in the IT industry for almost 30 years. I spent the first 22 years of my career as an Air Force Officer in Communications and Electronics Engineering (I’m also an Afghanistan war veteran). I also held other positions in the private sector, most notably with Koch Industries as the IT Infrastructure Manager for three large chemical plants in Canada and the USA. I have both a College Diploma and a Bachelor’s Degree.
Q: So you’re the perfect guy to ask this question of: What exactly is CyberSecurity and how does it impact the average person?
RS: It’s actually quite easy. CyberSecurity is a branch of Information Technology (IT) that is also known as Information Technology Security. CyberSecurity refers to a body of technologies, practices, and processes designed to protect networks, devices, computers and data from unauthorized access. This can include Malware (malicious software) such as ransomware, spyware and viruses. It also includes attacks such as denial of service, phishing and passwords for example. So, people utilize good CyberSecurity practices everyday.
Q: Why should someone choose a career in CyberSecurity?
RS: OPPORTUNITY! Due to the ever increasing demands with technology, CyberSecurity presents unlimited growth potential, both in your career path and for advanced learning opportunities. CyberSecurity is the fastest growing branch of IT.
Q: So there’s a high demand for professionals in the field?
RS: Yes, and it’s growing every day! The demand for CyberSecurity professionals is very high due to the number of underground criminal activity that tries to exploit corporations and governments.
Q: Sounds like the perfect career to start in! What are the opportunities for advancement in the field?
RS: The career opportunities are endless! IT departments are requiring a substantial increase in personnel for CyberSecurity departments to keep up to the challenges that hackers pose. Because things are always changing and evolving, your opportunity to learn and grow and advance will be high in this field.
Q: What kind of advice do you have for someone who is thinking about a career in CyberSecurity?
RS: I would have to say that focusing on a program that leads to an education in CyberSecurity will put you in a position to immediately add value to any employer that values their intellectual property. Even if you have a background in something else, you will never regret adding a CyberSecurity education to your resume.
Q: Okay so talk to us about the new online CyberSecurity programs. How are they being delivered?
RS: They’re going to be wonderful and I’m really excited to get started! All of our online CyberSecurity programs will be delivered entirely online through a Zoom interface. So it doesn’t matter where you live, you don’t have to drive to a campus daily to attend classes. We hope that this makes education more accessible and encourages even more people to join this exciting field! It can all be done in the comfort of your own home. No travel or parking fees and loads of extra time to study each day without having to commute.
It’s time to start your education and join the world of Cyber Technology with Willis College!
If you’re looking to enter the exciting field of Technology, Willis College is the school to get you there. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started towards the career of your dreams!