Mayor David Reid Congratulates Willis College in Arnprior
October 23, 2013
Mayor David Reid Congratulates Willis College in Arnprior
The Corporation of the Town of Arnprior
Certificate of Congratulations presented to
Ms. Rima Aristocrat
On behalf of Member of Council and the residents of the Town of Arnprior it is my pleasure to commend you on celebrating the Grand Opening of:
Willis College
Please accept our heartiest congratulations at this milestone and our sincerest gratitude for your investment in our community.
Best wishes for continued success and growth!
Presented this 25th day of October, 2013
David Reid
What Our Graduates Are Saying
I chose this program because I have always wanted to work in an office setting and eventually get into the government. I would recommend anyone to Willis College any day.
Victoria Woolsey
Administrative Assistant Program